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Tapestries - Care & Maintenance | Hanging Your Tapestry
Your tapestry has either a rod sleeve or loops sewn into the top of the tapestry for the hanging rod. Just slide the rod through the sleeve or the loops and place on the hanging brackets provided with the rod. Some of our smaller tapestries do not come with hanging brackets. In this case, you'll need to purchase an adjustable curtain rod bracket at any local hardware or curtain store.
Removing Folds and Creases from Your Tapestry
When delivered, there may be a fold or crease in your tapestry. This can be removed by placing your tapestry image side down on an ironing board. Place a towel over the backing of the tapestry and gently iron the towel with the iron set on a medium temperature, with steam if available. Over time, your tapestry may curl some. Although many people consider this as adding to the look of the tapestry, you can remove the curling using the same method.
Cleaning Your Tapestry
Your jacquard woven tapestry can be cleaned once or twice a year using a vacuum with an upholstery attachment. Your tapestry is 100% cotton. To remove any stains, we recommend dry cleaning to maintain and protect the beauty of your tapestry. For spot cleaning, you might use a gentle fabric cleaner like Woolite. Always test first in a small area that won't be noticed.
Maintaining Your Tapestry
Your tapestry is a fine qualtiy woven product that will last many years. Over time, any woven product may fade, which many feel adds to its beauty. To avoid this, simply avoid having your tapestry in direct sunlight for long periods of time. You may also dry clean your tapestry about every four years.
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